To pretend is to be real

I will tell you directly: do not count on me when you want to contrast pretense and authenticity/sincerity. We are very lucky that we can pretend: it proves that we are not quite obeyed by our essence, our emotions, our “identity” and our beliefs.

Pretense is a sign of freedom that distinguishes civilized animals, which we are. Anyway, the one who is able to pretend to be a civilized creature is no longer at least partially? The actor who depicts a bsckeler, Nero or a jealous husband does not find in himself (if he is a good actor) the features of the binger, crazy or jealous? If he is able to so talentedly portray and pretend whether this means that he found something his own in the depths of himself, the present?

You can also think pretense as an attempt, a test, the purpose of which is to reveal (or not) part of our true complexity. On the masquerade ball, you can portray the tango dancer, but nothing will respond to you: then it means to be a hypocrite. But you can do it differently: pretend to be Robin Hood and make contact with Robingudism in yourself. Then pretense becomes a way to get closer to itself, and the external ceases to be superficial. Moreover, it becomes necessary to identify something significant. This is a good metaphor for life: we need to pretend, throw sealed bottles of different images at sea to see which of them will tell us something important about ourselves.

Of course, in moments of the highest fullness of being, we cease to pretend. This happens when we experience aesthetic pleasure, orgasmic joy, suffering … But these moments, when we stop playing life, differ from others also in that we are present in them in all our complexity, our spiritual wealth, involved in them by allThe sides of our creature. But in order to discover these diverse dimensions of our own personality, we had to pretend … Sometimes we even behave like that, “as if” we pretend, for example, we portray that we are anger, sad or jealous. But in fact we pretend that we pretend! So the circle is closed. Pretense is the adventure that serves as part of the opening of its “I”, but “I” of the fragmented and multiple, partially variable, that “I” that does not come down simply to “identity”. Man is a strange animal who has to pretend to become closer to himself.

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