Establishing Good Business Relationships

If you’re an employee of an independent contractor, the strength of useful source your business relationships is the base for how well your business runs. It’s essential to put a high priority on building good business relationships. As Robert Kiyosaki so aptly put it, “who you know is more important than what you know.” Here are some tips for maintaining and building successful business relationships.

Business Relationships

The term “business relationship” is rather broad, and covers any connection that has a bearing on the strategic work of a company. According to Pamela Rucker a professional development teacher at Harvard businesses must consider four types of business relationships: customer, team members and stakeholders, ecosystems and industry.

In order to effectively manage these relationships, you need to focus on open communication and consistency. This includes publishing useful content on thought leadership, responding to questions promptly on social media and in person or doing any other thing that can benefit your business partners/clients in a consultative capacity. It’s also vital to keep in touch with your business connections after projects have been completed. In doing so, you’ll be able highlight your value and ensure you don’t get lost. It is important not to over promise and underdeliver to your business contacts. People are more likely to trust and be connected with you when they believe that you are true to your word.

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